
Thoughts on ways to improve the management of professional services firms

Blog List

I follow a very large number of blogs reflecting my combination of interests. Some I visit regulalry, others less often. I can't list them all here. The list that follows represents a selection of blogs, along with the reasons that I read them.

The list is still very incomplete. Because of other time pressures I am checking and adding blogs in small time blocks.
  • AccMan. Useful independent blog on technology trends and the application of new technology.  Special but not exclusive focus on accounting.
  • Building Social Business. Thoughts about working and ways of working. Indian focus.
  • China Financial Markets. China is very important in global economic terms. I find Michael Pettis' analysis helpful in keeping in touch.
  • Dilanchian Lawyers and Consultants. Australian law firm web site that includes a blog. Good example of use of the internet. Contains a range of useful material on the practice of law and the interface between law and client needs. Strong IP and commercial law focus.     
  • Global Copywriting. Don't be put off by the name. This is a very good blog on marketing in an on-line environment.  
  • Larry Bodine law marketing blog. Often has useful marketing tips. 
  • Media Hunter - digital + social + traditional media news. A bit like Google+, this blog moves out from its base in Newcastle in Australia in a series of circles. While it contains a lot of specifically local material, I find it helpful in keeping in touch with new media developments. 
  • Passion, People and Principles. This is David Maister's blog. David stopped updating it in January 2010, but it remains a useful resource.
  • PS Village.  Not really a blog, but a useful resource for those involved in IT professional services.
  • Slaw. On-line magazine that provides useful insights into law and legal practice in Canada.
  • Work Coach Cafe. A good blog to help you get that job you want.